Sunday, December 27, 2009

Helping mommy with the lights on the tree or "ee" "ee"

No mommy! I can do it myself!

Asher is at that age where he can say quite a few words but most of them are only recognizable by his parents. Tree is "ee" "ee" and Airplane is "ah" and so is lawnmower. He can make quite a few animal noises but we still are not saying the words except for duck, dog, horse. horse is "hoor" or something of that nature or he says "neh". He has busted out with a few correct words like step and five the past week when I was working with him in his books or whatever. I predict it won't be too long before he is saying real words more frequently. He took me by surprise on those and then shortly after he actually said "step" we were back to sep, sep, sep, etc.

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