Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Couple of new things from Asher

So, Asher just started mimicking a bit of things here and there. Two nights ago we were in a restaurant and he was blowing kisses to the woman at the table next to us. I have to believe they started it b/c I have not taught him such a thing. Not that I wouldn't. Mely (who watches Asher during the day) was asking him to show him his teeth and exaggerating showing her teeth to Asher. He does this back making the cutest little face. He curls up his lips and breaths in/out fast like Mely was doing showing his teeth. He just had two more break through this week. He still has 2 more on the other side working their way through. it seems he is getting both is top and bottom incisors at the same time. I will try to snap a photo of the "teeth showing" face. It is really quite funny.

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