Monday, July 27, 2009

Baseball anyone?

We took Asher to see a Pirates game here in PA the sunday before last. It was a perfect day to be outside and there was an afternoon game. (Picture provided by Matt's cell phone who was harassing me yesterday for not posting anything in two weeks) I guess PA is having an unseasonably cool summer which has actually been quite awesome. I have not missed the 100 degree heat I have heard about in Dallas the past month. This week we finally are in the mid-80s but with the humidity it does feel more like 90. However, the nice part is that when the sun goes down - it actually cools down a bit. What a concept!

Let's see - What has Asher been doing lately? I take him out to wave goodbye to his dad every morning and he has started waving bye when provoked the past week but this morning we walked outside and stood at the ledge while we watch daddy get into his car and he started waving all by himself. Matt was so excited. It was a great way to send dad off to work. He is one curious little boy. He loves to crawl up the stairs and often will make his way up two flights of stairs when he wants to go to his playroom. Not sure if he really knows that is his ultimate destination but he has done it on more than one occasion but not all the time. This week he has discovered the toilet and wants to put his hands in it. Yuck. Time for the safety locks for those too.

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