Monday, August 22, 2011

Ocean City Beach - August 2011

Asher and Aleah loved to have their daddy's find sand crabs and they were collecting them. It was amazing how many of them there were right beneath were we were sitting!
The boys were not much in the mood for pictures when the camera was out. It was the best we could do with one ready for a nap and the other just waking from his nap on the beach!

He loved the sand!

Asher did not have a hood on his shirt so he made his own. Someone referred to him as Cornholio from Beavis and Butthead. Rather funny!

Quinn was 7 months and Asher was almost three years old. Quinn is definitely my natural water baby. He loved the water and sand even after he ate it a few times. Asher was much more comfortable but in his typical fashion it took a few hours for him to warm up to the water. Every year though it takes less and less time for him to jump right on in. We enjoyed ourselves.

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