Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

We had 13 kids at the house. 3 of them were over the age of 8 and more helpful than the ones under 3! We love those Bowman kids!
This is Asher's buddy Adison. They are two peas in a pod and don't mess with either of them. I am not sure who would really win if the two of them were to really allowed to figure it out over who gets the toy they are after. They won't be pushed around!
Sweet little Claire. Asher liked to pretend he was being a monster and basically scream in her face to watch her cry. Poor little thing. We had to stop it, of course but Asher seized the opportunity a few times when we were distracted.
Aleah "what are you doing?"...... Hunting Easter Eggs!

For Easter, we hosted this year. We had Matt's family here along with a few friends who don't have any family here. It was a big day and Asher had a blast. Quinn did as well being held almost the whole afternoon. He did not quite know what to think about that and got a bit fussy towards the end. Being the second baby, he has to entertain himself more which is not a bad thing!

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