Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"whose dat?"

"whose dat?", "whose dat?".....over the past week Asher has figured out everything has a name! "Whose dat" is Asher's way of saying what is that? He misses nothing as he is a curious little fellow like most kids his age. Just last night - he noticed a pimple on my face and I had the finger pointing at it asking "whose dat?". It is fun to see the excitement and growth as they change. Now I will digress to being the proud mommy I am and also log some fun things in the blog which I will later print out on an annual basis. Here I go! He can count to 20 these days in English and 13 in Spanish. 13 because we have 13 steps in the house. He is singing his ABC"s and various other songs like Twinkle Twinkle, wheels on the bus and old MacDonald. He loves any shows that have dancing and music in them. Every morning we have to turn on the "muhsac" and play daddy's ipod loud so he can dance and if Matt is giving him a bath then the ritual follows before bed time. It definitely relaxes him and gets him ready for bed. Ha!

He crawled out of his crib the other day but I was watching him do it. We are working on getting Asher's room set up and transitioning his day naps to his room for the next month or so to get him accustomed to it before we make the full leap.

He still loves to play with any kids and especially likes to get the little girls attention whenever possible. It is so very cute to watch. He loves babies which I am excited to see so hopefully things go well with the new addition next year. Just a quick update since it has been a while and I don't really have a great excuse other than being exhausted by 8:30 PM! :)

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