Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Playing with Da Da in the grass

These were some pictures I snapped of Asher playing with "Da Da" in the grass. He finally belted out a meaningful Da Da this past weekend and has been saying it ever since.
Too sweet!

So, other than Da Da...Asher is saying "Hot" for just about anything in our hands that looks like a cup. he got that because he was always reaching for our hot coffee in the mornings. So, we would let him touch it and tell him "Hot". Uh-Oh - he says it often before he drops something on the ground. (it let's me know that sippy cup is headed for the ground) and "ff" "ff" "ff" for flowers. every time we pass flowers he starts making the F sound. Ok, that doesn't count for a word but he is headed down the right direction.

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