Wednesday, February 25, 2009


As everyone knows I am going part time starting next week. I am super excited about actually getting to play with Asher and actually see how he is learning new things all the time. I have missed that immensely the past month. As excited as I am, it is a transition with work. I now report to the person who took my previous job. She is great and I am lucky to have a wonderful person to work with these days. However, I won't say that it has not been a bit difficult for me to let go sometimes. I know it won't be an issue in a month and this is just the normal process for change. it is the balance between the professional, which I have spent 35 years of my life pursuing to the best of my ability, and suddenly having to....well, let it go as part of my identity and maybe just simply let go of the reins. It is a good thing b/c work should never define a person but it happens to us all somewhere along our path in life. I am blessed to be able to make this change and have this experience.....but some days are easier than others to process during the transition.

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